Solar Safe Pool Covers Logo

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Pool covers save money on chemical, water, electric, and pool service costs.

How much money can you SAVE with a solar cover? Up to $3,000 annually. . .

Our PowerLock Solar Safety Cover saves our clients in 4 primary ways.

Fences, nets, and mesh covers leave most of the pool’s water exposed, posing a risk for crafty children, curious pets, and unsuspecting critters. The PowerLock creates an impassible barrier, keeping unwanted dirt, critters, and children from having access to the pool’s water.

The durability of our fabric combined with the strength of our PowerLock Anchoring System allows the cover to support the weight of an entire family, greatly exceeding the ASTM standards of a pool safety barrier. And unlike safety nets or mesh, if someone does happen to fall onto our cover, it will be as if they tumbled onto a giant waterbed. The PowerLock creates an impassible barrier, keeping unwanted dirt, critters, and children from having access to the pool’s water.

Pool covers save money on chemical, water, electric, and pool service costs.

How much money can you SAVE with a solar cover? Up to $3,000 annually. . .

Our PowerLock Solar Safety Cover saves our clients in 4 primary ways.

Fences, nets, and mesh covers leave most of the pool’s water exposed, posing a risk for crafty children, curious pets, and unsuspecting critters. The PowerLock creates an impassible barrier, keeping unwanted dirt, critters, and children from having access to the pool’s water.

The durability of our fabric combined with the strength of our PowerLock Anchoring System allows the cover to support the weight of an entire family, greatly exceeding the ASTM standards of a pool safety barrier. And unlike safety nets or mesh, if someone does happen to fall onto our cover, it will be as if they tumbled onto a giant waterbed. The PowerLock creates an impassible barrier, keeping unwanted dirt, critters, and children from having access to the pool’s water.